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GPS Ankle Bracelet Tracker as a Substitute for Incarceration

What is GPS ankle monitoring?

Can GPS ankle bracelet trackers detect alcohol? Some ankle monitors come with sensors that can detect the wearer's blood alcohol level. Although rare, if the wearer is wearing the ankle monitor due to alcohol-related violations, their actions will not be restricted as long as they abstain from alcohol. However, most GPS ankle monitors used to control drinking behavior will still monitor and report the wearer's movements. The actual distance the wearer can walk depends on several factors, including the judge's discretion and the monitoring system. Ultimately, the judge decides how far the wearer is allowed to be from the receiving device. The allowed distance for GPS ankle monitors is usually based on the wearer's needs, such as their job and the reason they need a monitor in the first place, or house arrest ankle monitor GPS and GPS monitoring domestic violence

For example, if someone wears a GPS ankle bracelet due to home confinement, they are usually not allowed to cross an invisible line on their property. Depending on the situation, a person may be allowed to go to places such as church, parole meetings, court, work, medical services, and rehabilitation services. Generally, any travel outside of the designated home address will be restricted to a specific time frame and needs to be arranged in advance.

How does the GPS ankle bracelet work?

Let Gosafe Tracker summary for you. The fact is that prisons in the United States are always overcrowded, making it a problem to accommodate new inmates. Depending on the offender, the GPS monitoring bracelet can be an excellent alternative to incarceration. Typically, wearers are those who qualify for home confinement because they have committed fewer non-violent offenses, and some wearers may even qualify to be released from the monitor before their designated sentence expires due to good behavior.

As mentioned earlier, GPS ankle bracelet trackers operate by alerting authorities about the wearer's location or alcohol consumption. Typically, judges restrict ankle monitors to keep individuals in a particular location. The system will trigger an alert to authorities in any of the following circumstances: system failure, wearer not in the designated location, wearer deviating from the designated route, attempting to remove, tamper with, or shield the monitor, low battery power. Depending on the GPS ankle monitor model, some may provide more accurate locations than others, some may transmit a constant signal, while others record location data at specific intervals.

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